User friendly file size
Based on a utility method found in the Microsoft.SharePoint.Utilities.SPUtility class, here's a method to get a user-friendly text for a file size:
public static string FormatSize(long cbSize) { double num; if (cbSize <= 1024L) { if (cbSize <= 0L) { return string.Format("{0} KB", "0"); } return string.Format("< 1 KB"); } if (cbSize <= 1048576L) { num = Math.Round((double)(Convert.ToDouble(cbSize) / 1024.0), 1); return string.Format("{0} KB", num); } if (cbSize <= 1073741824L) { num = Math.Round((double)(Convert.ToDouble(cbSize) / 1048576.0), 1); return string.Format("{0} MB", num); } if (cbSize <= 1099511627776L) { num = Math.Round((double)(Convert.ToDouble(cbSize) / 1073741824.0), 1); return string.Format("{0} GB", num); } num = Math.Round((double)(Convert.ToDouble(cbSize) / 1099511627776.0), 1); return string.Format("{0} TB", num); }
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